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  • Nicorette Chewing Gum Icy White 2mg (105)

Nicorette Chewing Gum Icy White 2mg (105)

From £14.99

Medication features

  • Comes in 2mg or 4mg to let you choose the right strength based on how much you smoke
  • Available in 25s, 105s and 210s
  • All Nicorette® gums are sugar free


buy nicorette icy white chewing gum online

NICORETTE® gum is a nicotine replacement therapy
(NRT). It is used to relieve and/or prevent withdrawal
symptoms and reduce the cravings you get when you try
to stop smoking, or when cutting down the number of
cigarettes you smoke.

Side Effects

Side-effects of nicorette® gum
NICORETTE® gum can sometimes cause a slight irritation
of the throat at the start of the treatment. It may also cause
increased salivation.
Those who suffer from indigestion may suffer from heartburn
or indigestion and may benefit from slower chewing and use
of the 2 mg gum.

The gum may occasionally stick to dentures and in rare
cases damage them.
If you notice any of the following; fast heart rate/beat,
abnormal beating of the heart, chest palpitations, shortness
of breath or allergic reactions (swelling of the face, mouth,
lips, throat and tongue, itching of the skin, swelling of the
skin, ulceration and inflammation of the lining of the
mouth, difficulty in breathing and dizziness) stop taking
NICORETTE® gum and contact a doctor immediately.

Very common side-effects:
(may affect more than 1 in 10 people):

  • headache
  • throat irritation
  • (feeling sick) nausea
  • hiccups
  • sore mouth or throat

Common side-effects:
(may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

  • allergic reactions (hypersensitivity)
  • dizziness
  • cough
  • taste disturbance or loss of taste
  • tingling or numbness of the hands and feet
  • stomach pain or discomfort
  • diarrhoea
  • dry mouth
  • excessive gas or wind
  • increased salivation
  • sore and inflamed mouth
  • sickness (vomiting)
  • indigestion
  • burning sensation in the mouth
  • tiredness (fatigue)

Uncommon side-effects:
(may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

  • abnormal dream
  • sudden reddening of the face and/or neck
  • high blood pressure
  • sudden constriction of the small airways of the lung that
  • n cause wheezing and shortness of breath
  • loss or damage to voice
  • blocked nose, sneezing
  • throat tightness
  • burping (belching)
  • swollen, red, sore tongue
  • mouth ulcers or blisters
  • numbness or tingling of the mouth
  • unusual weakness
  • chest discomfort and pain
  • hives (urticaria)
  • excessive sweating
  • itching
  • rash
  • jaw-muscle ache
  • general feeling of discomfort or being unwell or out of
    sorts (malaise)

Rare side-effects:
(may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):

  • difficulty in swallowing
  • decreased feeling or sensitivity, especially in the mouth
  • feeling of wanting to be sick (vomit)
  • her side-effects can include:
  • blurred vision, watery eyes
  • dry throat, lip pain
  • stomach discomfort
  • redness of the skin
  • muscle tightness

When you stop smoking you may also develop mouth
ulcers. The reason why this happens is unknown

Info Leaflet

Before taking any medication, it is important to read the Patient Information Leaflet. You can find information leaflets for your medicines by typing them into the search bar at medicines.org, or by contacting us.

Niccorette Icy White 2mg PIL


The method of chewing NICORETTE® gum is not the same
as for ordinary chewing gum. NICORETTE® gum is chewed
to release nicotine then rested so that nicotine can be taken
in through the lining of the mouth.

If NICORETTE® gum is chewed continuously, the nicotine is
released too quickly and is swallowed. This may irritate your
throat, upset your stomach or give you hiccups.
If you have false teeth you may have difficulty chewing the
gum as NICORETTE® gum could stick to them and on rare
occasions, damage dentures. If you experience a problem,
other types of nicotine replacement therapy such as a skin
patch, inhalator or microtab may be more suitable for you.

The nicorette® chewing technique
1 Chew slowly until taste becomes strong.
2 Rest between gum and cheek.
3 Chew again when the taste has faded.
n Keep chewing like this for about half an hour.
After this time the gum will have lost its strength and you
should dispose of it carefully


Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist…

  • if you are pregnant or breast-feeding – you may be able
    to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help you
    give up smoking but you should try to give up without it.
    See “If you are pregnant or breast-feeding” section.
  • if you are in hospital because of heart disease
    (including heart attack, disorders of heart rate or rhythm,
    angina, high blood pressure or stroke). In other heart
    conditions not requiring you to be in hospital, using NRT is
    better than continuing to smoke.
  • if you have a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer,
    inflammation of the stomach or inflammation of the
    oesophagus (passage between the mouth and stomach).
  • if you have liver or kidney disease.
  • if you have an overactive thyroid gland or have a
    phaeochromocytoma (a tumour of the adrenal gland that
    can affect blood pressure) - your doctor will have told you
  • if you have diabetes – monitor your blood sugar levels
    more often when starting to use NICORETTE® gum as you
    may find your insulin or medication requirements alter.

if you are taking other medicines such as
theophylline, clozapine or ropinirole. Stopping smoking or
cutting down may require the dose of these medicines to
be adjusted.

If any of these apply, talk to your doctor, nurse or
! Some of the ingredients can cause
n NICORETTE® icy white gums contain butylated hydroxy
toluene (E321), an anti-oxidant. May cause local skin
reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis) or irritation to the eyes
and mucous membranes.
n This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg)
in each chewing gum, that is to say essentially ‘sodiumfree’.
! If you are pregnant or breast-feeding
If you are pregnant:
1)Firstly, you should try to give up smoking without NRT.
Stopping completely is by far the best option. The
earlier and quicker you do this the better it is for you
and your baby.
2)Secondly, if you can’t manage this, you can use NRT
as a safer alternative to smoking as the risks to your
baby are far less than smoking, however you should talk to
your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.
Products that are used intermittently, including NICORETTE®
gum may be preferable to nicotine patches. However, patches
may be more suitable if you have nausea or sickness. If you
do use patches take them off before going to bed at night.

If you are breast-feeding:
1)Firstly, you should try to give up smoking without NRT.
2)Secondly, if you can’t manage this you are best to use
NRT products that are taken intermittently (not patches),
however you should talk to your doctor, nurse or
pharmacist for advice. Breast-feed just before you use
NICORETTE® gum to ensure that the baby gets the
smallest amount of nicotine possible.
If you do need to use NRT to help you quit, the amount of
nicotine that the baby may receive is considerably smaller
and less harmful than the second-hand smoke they would
inhale if you smoked. Tobacco smoke produces breathing
and other problems in babies and children.



2mg Nicottine

Other ingredients are:

Chewing gum base, xylitol,
peppermint oil, anhydrous sodium carbonate, acesulfame
potassium, levomenthol, magnesium oxide, talc, winterfresh,
hypromellose, sucralose, polysorbate 80, starch, titanium
dioxide (E171) and carnauba wax. The chewing gum base
contains butylated hydroxy toluene (E321), an antioxidant.

The 2 mg gum also contains

sodium bicarbonate

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